Brite Tanks or Brite Beer Tanks / Serving Tanks
Roughly speaking, brewing equipment consists of brewhouse and cellar tanks (fermenters/unitanks and brite-tanks), the rest are auxillary components.
Brite Tanks, sometimes called serving tanks, are designed to perform 2 functions:
1) Storing of filtered beer
2) Filling of beer into KEG-barrels or transfer of beer to KEG-filler or to bottling line
A microbrewery or pub brewery equipment setup can well be operated without brite-tanks as their functions can be performed by 3 bar-unitanks/fermenters which is a smart solution saving floor space and investment money. (for more information on brewing process see Brief Brewing Info)
stainless steel AISI 304 (SUS 304)
Internal jacket: 3mm thickness
External-Jacket: 2mm thickness
Inner surface treatment:
cold-rolled lates 2B finish, grinded to Ra 0,8 µm.
External surface treatment:
cold-rolled plates 2B finish, grinded to SB.
Polyurethane 100 mm,
Cooling – fully welded cooling-jackets (dual glycol zones):
Cylinder: 1 or 2 cooling-sections (depending on unitank size)
Bottom: 1 cooling-section (zone)
Cooling medium: propylene glycol
Brite Tank working pressure: 3 bar
Beer storage temperature: 6°C
Brite Tank is cylindrical stainless steel, vertical, double-walled, jacketed & insulated pressure vessel with dished head designed for beer storage and filling of filtered beer into bottles or KEG-barrels. This brewery vessel is equipped with independent glycol cooling sections (welded-jackets) in cylindrical and bottom part controlled by temperature sensor and solenoid valves to keep the beer chilled.
Brite Tank accessories include:
– sintered tube for beer saturation with CO2 (cylindrical part of tank)
– shadowless manway
– CIP port + sanitation spray-ball Ø 65 mm
– Carb stone assembly
– mechanical pressure valve with analogical pressure gauge
– vacuum safety valve G ½“ (pressure vacuum relief set up at 3 bar)
– outlet valve for filling of beer into KEGs or for beer transfer to KEG-filler or to bottling line
– level gauge DN12
– sample valve (cock) G 3/8“
– thermosensor DN 7
– electric solenoid valves
– stainless tube legs with fully adjustable feet (AISI 304)